Bloodstains On The Floor Tiles

Today I will not be here, I’m dead.
The air is musty and thick. My head is bleeding.
With clasped hands, I ignore the noise.
Devour me, my skin portrays an illusion of an intoxicated love.
Hands down, I’m too proud. I’m sick, I'm coughing the poisonous sadness that is crawling like maggots in my flesh.

I want nothing from this world but for it to leave me alone.
Today, I am alone. I breathe in, and the pain sink like a weight to the bottom of my chest. The air is cutting it’s way through my throat, making the water in my glass turn into shades of red.
My pure existence leave bitemarks, filthy teeth that invade my physical being. An emotional suicide so intense, it has left nothing human of me anymore.
My sick pleasure in my suffering makes me laugh hysterically, a manic grin to showcase the madness in the brilliant reds and oranges reflected in my pupils. And all that is left to hear is the moans and alarming screams that is whisping up against your exposed ears. You whisper between clasped hands and I wonder if you know I can hear you.

The stamina in my bones is wearing out, the nerve system is raising it’s white flag. I see nothing, my saliva is finally suffocating me. The bathroom floor melts into my cold skin. The fluorescence in the blood and spit is a spitting image of chaos and confusion.

There is only silence, finally my physical being will die. No longer friend or foe, just dead. My lungs is slowly trying to grasp the ignorant air, but achieve nothing. You feel every heavy blow, every pin prick that I pushed aside to make room for my sickening self indulgence. I no longer see the contours of you, I want to touch you, let us share a deafening second, an evidence of my no longer willingness to live for you

Isn't She A Handsome Woman?

The stars fall on my chest, they're still burning. I try to touch them, but they cut through my skin, I'm bleeding now.
I leave it all behind me, I'm scared, I'm so scared. I'll end it now, this prison that's holding me captivated. I'm closing my eyes, there's nothing there. I'm not there, I'm gone. Remember me, please remember me. Back and forth, back and forth, I'm rocking myself to sleep. Soon it'll all be over. Soon. All the truth in the world adds up to one big lie. Is it worth it? I don't have the strength to live or even try. I just need to sleep and never wake up. My heart is not broken, nor swollen, it's rotten and infected. Every bite you take, you spit out. SHUT UP, SHUT UP
Truth or dare? Truth or dare? Tell me. Tell me.
I'll play your game. I'll cover up the scars, the vomit and the lies. I look like a defected flower with wilted petals. They wither into ashes. The wind burns scars on my skin. The ruby red blood paints fissures on my skin.
I'm under the bell jar, under the vacuum, I cannot breathe. My small fingetips is loosing all it's tactility. My legs can no longer carry my weight, I'm disgusting, You say you see my light, huh? What light? WHAT FUCKING LIGHT?
I'll play your game. I'm not living nor dead. I'm the phantom in the shadows. I hear a foggy lullaby whisper about an unending pain. My body has frozen, too many corners, I'll use the shadows as blankets, blankets that kiss my naked skin, rips of my skin, leaving my dead flesh to the vultures. I'm burning to death, the flames are swallowing my insides.
I'm tangled up in the web of lies I have spun. The world only sees this pretty face, you only wanna see this pretty face.
Underneath are dirty blisters and deep scars, scars filled with pus.
I hate you, hate you. You are a fool, a fool not feel like this. A fool not to be depressed. Die my love, Die.

I Wake Up Each Morning Afraid I'm Gonna Live

I get so consumed by depression that It's hard to believe that the whole world doesn't stop and suffer with me.
I sleep to die. I've gotten my death day, I let go, don't reach for me, I've gone to my lover, the darkness loves me.
The cold wind sings a poem in my face, the world disappears behind me and I stop breathing. The water fill up the sound.
My surroundings are growing, but I stay small. In despair, I hate myself, screaming at my face in the mirror, only numbness in my tired body.
The pain is so fucking big that I feel nothing at all. You fear the bottom, you say and I lean in and say, I do not fear it, I know the bottom.
No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky. Every face is disguised, painted with sun flowers. Mine left burn marks.
I hide and bleed, hide and bleed. Watch my broken body. I'm already dead and now I shall clutter my veins - the blood will dry.
I want out of my skin, this pain is eating it's way up to the surface. Please, I wish I could walk through a picture window and have the sharp, broken shards slash me into ribbons so I can finally look like I feel.
I'm out of my mind with a pain that cuts like a corkscrew through my heart.
I stay still, my limbs cannot move, I cannot make a sound. I'm suffocating, I'm buried naked in hot summer sand, burning to death.
I lie in bed, drenched in sweat, this night is even darker, how is that possible?
I'm wishing I could just die here, I want my corpse to be white like these sheets, whiter than these blankets. I want to be drained of my blood.
My dear, let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late. Don't try to fool me, you're handing me in. I'm tired, I cannot convince you.
You cry, cry for everyone else's pain but not for me, CRY FOR ME! CRY FOR ME!
I'm cold and dead, my winter has never left. All the years, everyone said the light would shine one day but all these years I've just been drowning.
I'm sorry, I've fallen too deep under the cold waves, you won't find me in the dark. We play hide and seek, I hide and you seek.
I dream of walls caving in, I'm caught in a trap and so desperate to get away that I bite off my own leg, but instead of escaping - I bleed to death in the snow.
The ground is red, the ground is white, the sky is blue, and when I wake up the pain does not go away.

I Hate Myself And I Want To Die - 30/11/07

I'm so cold. I'm empty.  I need to hurt myself to feel. I need to feel. No it hurts too much.  Every shadow is lingering, lurking to feed on my corpse. The sun has frozen to death. I'm just cold. You need to die, I need to drain every part of  your very being. Your soul need to be taken by the night. Because I hate you for not knowing. Not knowing that I am dead. My emotional being and my very soul has been replaced with the most excruciating pain - a pair of boiling hot tongs clamped tight around my spine pressing on my every nerve. I'm covered in thick darkness, coats and coats of darkness that is suffocating me in the sweltering heat of the summer sun. I can't see the sun, but I can feel it burn

Nightmares And Smothered Screams - 23/10/07

Once upon a time on a sunny day, right after a rainy season in the middle of the summer, night found day.
The little girl was drinking tea with the white rabbit under the green umbrella trees.
- Milk and cookies my dear? the white little rabbit said. Before she could answer, the moon raped her and left her bleeding. The clouds were smothering the sun.
- Sugar, give me a knife and I'll cut my eyes out for they are pretty tired, the little girl said. The white rabbit gave her a kitchen knife. Her eyes now bleeding, blind she laughed. Her blue eyes now gone, but tears still ran down her porcelain cheeks.
- Now sugar, give me some liquor and my tears will run no more, I'll take my panties off and we can have some fun. The white rabbit gave her a dusty old bottle of vodka. She swallowed the burning liquid and smiled.
- Now let's have some fun
The white rabbit obeyed. He once kissed her lily white hand, twice he kissed her cheek, three times he kissed her cold corpsy lips and finally he thrust hard inside her until he fell asleep. The night passed away, the day came on and in the morning light, the little rabbit saw that the little girl had stopped breathing, stains of ruby red blood between her thighs. The white rabbit cried. But suddenly, she whispered cold
- Sugar, give me your garden trowel and I'll dig my own grave.
The white rabbit ran to his little house and got his dirty trowel.
Pale and shaky, the white little girl smiled and said
- Isn't this wonderful ?
When the six feet deep grave was ready she kissed the white rabbit on the cheek and just as she was about to lay down her tired little body, Sweet William came out of the shadows. He kissed her dry lips and then looked at her, the big blue eyes were gone, she was shaking like an autumn leaf. Naked and covered in mud.
- My dear, you are repulsive, he said and put his hand between her legs. She was still bleeding.
- I used to want you on top of me
Her lip was trembling.
The little girl's father was sitting on a garden bench, reading the newspaper and saying
- I love you, Darlin'.
He then was gone.
The little girl then knelt before Sweet William, pleading for her death. He stabbed her to the heart and her heart blood did flow. And into the grave the little girl did go.
Once he kissed her lily white hand, twice he kissed her cheek, three times he kissed her cold corpsy lips and started for home. Leaving nothing behind but the white rabbit and the wild birds to moan. The white rabbit heard the little girl whisper
- Sugar, give me some matches. I'm cold, she said to the white rabbit.
The white rabbit obeyed.
- I need to get warm. I need to get warm, she said. She lit one of the matches and set herself on fire.
- I'll find my place among the ashes, she whispered her last breath.
The white rabbit stood still, then he took his handkerchief and gently washed the blood of his hands and once again drank tea in the garden under the green umbrella trees.

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